Top 10 Quotes of 2007
Top 10 Quotes taken from
#1. "I really am not the kind of guy that sits here and says, 'Oh gosh, I'm worried about my legacy.'"
— President GEORGE W. BUSH, when asked about his falling approval numbers and mounting criticism of the Iraq War during an interview with CBS' 60 Minutes (Jan. 14, 2007)
#2. "In Iran, we don't have homosexuals, like in your country."
— MAHMOUD AHMADINEJAD, president of Iran, responding to a question about the treatment of gays and lesbians in Iran during a visit to Columbia University in New York City (Sept. 24, 2007)
#3. "This record is not tainted at all. At all. Period.
— San Francisco Giants slugger BARRY BONDS, after breaking Hank Aaron's Major League Baseball all-time home-run record with his 756th career homer amid rampant speculation that he has used steroids. Bonds has always denied that he ever "knowingly" used performance-enhancing substances, but he was indicted in November for allegedly lying to a federal grand jury about using them (Aug. 7, 2007)
#4. "If you didn't like Darfur, you're going to hate Baghdad."
— Gen. DAVID H. PETRAEUS, warning of the consequences of an early troop withdrawal from Iraq (Aug. 14, 2007)
#5. "This is it. This is where it all ends. End of the road. What a life it was. Some life."
— Virginia Tech gunman CHO SEUNG-HUI, in a chilling video he made and sent to NBC News before killing 32 people and committing suicide in the deadliest school shooting in U.S. history (Apr. 16, 2007)
#6. "I don't think they're piling on because I'm a woman. I think they're piling on because I'm winning."
— HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON, on intensifying criticism by rivals for the Democratic presidential nomination (Nov. 2, 2007)
#7. "The planet is in distress and all of the attention is on Paris Hilton. We have to ask ourselves what is going on here?"
— AL GORE, in an interview with the British paper The Sun, before adding that he believes in 10 years it will be too late to save the planet (June 18, 2007)
#8. "I spent the better part of the past three months enduring criticism that is normally leveled at some kind of genocidal tyrant."
— RUPERT MURDOCH, News Corp. owner, on the outcry over his purchase of the Wall Street Journal (Aug. 8, 2007)
#9. "Hello, Condoleezza Rice? You have me to deal with now."
— A MASKED HAMAS GUNMAN, joking into the telephone of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas after taking control of his government compound (June 15, 2007)
#10. "Why don't you just shut up?"
— KING JUAN CARLOS, of Spain, to Hugo Chávez at a summit in Chile after the Venezuelan President called former Spanish Prime Minister José María Aznar a fascist (Nov. 10, 2007)
مركز ضحايا لحقوق الانسان بالاسكندرية يهيب بكل الناشطين والاعلاميين والصحفيين ولجان حقوق الانسان للمشاركة فى المؤتمر الصحفى الحاشد من وراء اغلاق مدرسة الجزيرة بالاسكندرية جريمة تشريد الف تلميذ بالاسكندرية باغلاق مدرستهم فى اول ايام الدراسة وذلك يوم الجمعة الموافق 19/9/2008 فى تمام الساعة التاسعة مساءا بنادى المحامين - كورنيش جليم - الاسكندرية
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مصر فى مهب الريح
فى خلال الثلاثين عاما الماضية تعرضت مصر الى حملة منظمة لنشر ثقافة الهزيمة بين المصريين, فظهرت أمراض اجتماعية خطيرة عانى ومازال يعانى منها خمسة وتسعون بالمئة من هذا الشعب الكادح . فلقد تحولت مصر تدريجيا الى مجتمع الخمسة بالمئه وعدنا بخطى ثابته الى عصر ماقبل الثورة .. بل أسوء بكثير من مرحلة الاقطاع.
1- الانفجار السكانى .. وكيف أنها خدعة فيقولون أننا نتكاثر ولايوجد حل وأنها مشكلة مستعصية عن الحل.
2- مشكلة الدخل القومى .. وكيف يسرقونه ويدعون أن هناك عجزا ولاأمل من خروجنا من مشكلة الديون .
3- مشكلة تعمير مصر والتى يعيش سكانها على 4% من مساحتها.
4 – العدالة الاجتماعية .. وأطفال الشوارع والذين يملكون كل شىء .
5 – ضرورة الاتحاد مع السودان لتوفير الغذاء وحماية الأمن القومى المصرى.
6 – رئيس مصر القادم .. شروطه ومواصفاته حتى ترجع مصر الى عهدها السابق كدولة لها وزن اقليمى عربيا وافريقيا.
لمزيد من التفاصيل أذهب إلى مقالات ثقافة الهزيمة بالرابط التالى
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